Off to Munich Book Fair!

Getting just a little excited at meeting TodHunter Moon and Septimus fans in Germany in a few days time. It's been a while now since I have been to a book event to talk about Sep and Tod (Todi in Germany) and it will be just great to meet readers and Septimus and Todi fans. 

Maximillian Fly is now back with me, having his first edit and it is really good to be back in his world for a little while.

I did have another world cooking, a trilogy that went by the name of The Salamander Crown, but it was aimed a little too old for my publisher (It was a gentle YA) so I'm having a go at something younger at the moment. However, I have not forgotten my older readers and I am still have hopes for The Salamander Crown at some time.

So, it is one of those limbo times at the moment with lots of ideas bubbling but nothing certain. But there is a whole lot of possibilities. And, as I moved house only two months ago, I have an exciting new place in which to think about them.